Price formation factors for written, oral and consecutive translation from and into all languages.
The price of translation depends on several factors:
Specific nature of text
General translation;
Special purpose translation;
Performance term
Usual order;
Quick order;
Express order;
* Always in the interest of customers!
І language group |
English, French, German, Russian |
ІІ language group |
Spanish, Italian |
III language group |
Turkish, Greek, Romanian, Serbian, Croatian, Czech, Polish, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Macedonian |
ІV language group |
Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Albanian, Arabic, Hungarian, Slovak |
V language group |
Chinese, Japanese, Armenian, Hebrew |
The number of pages is calculated on the basis of the translated text, not the text of the source document. A translation page consists of 1800 characters with spaces (Bulgarian State Standard). To calculate the number of translated pages, check the number of characters by using the menu Tools/Word count/Characters (with spaces) in MS Word, divide the number by 1800 and you will get the actual number of translated pages of your text.
Price formation factors for oral translation
Notary certification of transactions or attending business negotiations
Oral translation prices are formed on an hourly basis, each commenced astronomical hour is counted as a whole hour, and on the basis of the criteria for evaluation of the translated material, such as language and terminological complexity. In case of a large number of documents and at the discretion of the translator as to the level of translation complexity, the price is formed on the basis of signatures affixed.
In case of oral translation express call, the price is increased by 20% and a call charge is paid.
Consecutive and simultaneous translation
Consecutive and simultaneous translation price formation is determined on a daily basis, where jobs over 8 hours long are paid by a special tariff for each extra hour. Weekend hours payment is increased by 50% of the regular price.
A programme of the event is required for simultaneous and consecutive translation jobs in advance.
The request for translation services must be made at least one day before the event.
When a call is made for a translator for an oral conference translation on the day of the event, the price is increased by 50% of the regular price for the relevant type of translation.
The contracting authority provides all necessary materials available, related to the subject of the translation.
A simultaneous oral translation must be performed by a team of two translators, and if lasting for more than 4 hours and with exceptional level of complexity - by 4 translators at the discretion of the contracting authority and the contractor.
A consecutive translation is done by 1 translator when the duration of the job does not exceed 3 hours. Longer translation jobs and translation of lectures require a team of two translators.